
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen|Alle Packages|Konstantenfeldwerte|Serialisierte Form


name() - Methode in Datensatzklasse ch.nolix.system.objectschema.flatschemadto.FlatDatabaseDto
Gibt den Wert für die Datensatzkomponente name zurück.
name() - Methode in Datensatzklasse ch.nolix.system.objectschema.flatschemadto.FlatTableDto
Gibt den Wert für die Datensatzkomponente name zurück.
name() - Methode in Datensatzklasse ch.nolix.system.objectschema.schemadto.DatabaseDto
Gibt den Wert für die Datensatzkomponente name zurück.
name() - Methode in Datensatzklasse ch.nolix.system.sqlschema.flatschemadto.FlatDatabaseDto
Gibt den Wert für die Datensatzkomponente name zurück.
name() - Methode in Datensatzklasse ch.nolix.system.sqlschema.flatschemadto.FlatTableDto
Gibt den Wert für die Datensatzkomponente name zurück.
name() - Methode in Datensatzklasse ch.nolix.system.sqlschema.schemadto.DatabaseDto
Gibt den Wert für die Datensatzkomponente name zurück.
NAME - Enum-Konstante in Enum-Klasse ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.columntable.ColumnTableColumn
NAME - Enum-Konstante in Enum-Klasse ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.tabletable.TableTableColumn
NAME - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.LowerCaseVariableCatalogue
NAME - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.PascalCaseVariableCatalogue
NAME - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.system.noderawschema.structure.StructureHeaderCatalogue
NAMES - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.PluralLowerCaseVariableCatalogue
NAMES - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.PluralPascalCaseVariableCatalogue
nameValue() - Methode in Datensatzklasse ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.tabletable.TableTableRecord
Gibt den Wert für die Datensatzkomponente nameValue zurück.
NANOSECONDS_PER_DAY - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.timeunitapi.TimeUnitConversionCatalogue
NANOSECONDS_PER_HOUR - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.timeunitapi.TimeUnitConversionCatalogue
NANOSECONDS_PER_MICROSECOND - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.timeunitapi.TimeUnitConversionCatalogue
NANOSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.timeunitapi.TimeUnitConversionCatalogue
NANOSECONDS_PER_MINUTE - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.timeunitapi.TimeUnitConversionCatalogue
NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.timeunitapi.TimeUnitConversionCatalogue
NAVAJO_WHITE - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.system.graphic.color.Color
NAVAJO_WHITE_INT - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.system.graphic.color.Color
NAVAJO_WHITE_STRING - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.system.graphic.color.Color
NAVY - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.system.graphic.color.Color
NAVY_INT - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.system.graphic.color.Color
NAVY_STRING - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.system.graphic.color.Color
NegativeArgumentException - Ausnahmeklasse in ch.nolix.core.errorcontrol.invalidargumentexception
A NegativeArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably negative.
NET - Enum-Konstante in Enum-Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.netproperty.BaseConnectionType
NET_SOCKET_WITH_CUSTOM_TARGET - Enum-Konstante in Enum-Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.endpointapi.SocketType
NET_SOCKET_WITH_DEFAULT_TARGET - Enum-Konstante in Enum-Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.endpointapi.SocketType
NetEndPoint - Klasse in
A NetEndPoint can send messages to an other NetEndPoint that is on: -the same process on the local computer -another process on the local computer -another process on another computer
NetEndPoint - Klasse in
A NetEndPoint is a EndPoint that can send messages to an other NetEndPoint.
NetEndPoint - Klasse in
NetEndPoint(int) - Konstruktor für Klasse
Creates a new NetEndPoint that will connect to the default target on the given port on the local machine.
NetEndPoint(int) - Konstruktor für Klasse
Creates a new NetEndPoint that will connect to the default slot on the given port on the local machine.
NetEndPoint(int, String) - Konstruktor für Klasse
Creates a new NetEndPoint that will connect to the given target on the given port on the local machine.
NetEndPoint(int, String) - Konstruktor für Klasse
Creates a new NetEndPoint that will connect to the given targetSlot on the given port on the local machine.
NetEndPoint(String) - Konstruktor für Klasse
Creates a new NetEndPoint that will connect to the default target on the HTTP port (80) on the machine with the given ip.
NetEndPoint(String) - Konstruktor für Klasse
Creates a new NetEndPoint that will connect to the default slot on the default port on the machine with the given ip.
NetEndPoint(String, int) - Konstruktor für Klasse
Creates a new NetEndPoint that will connect to the default target on the given port on the machine with the given ip.
NetEndPoint(String, int) - Konstruktor für Klasse
Creates a new NetEndPoint that will connect to the default slot on the given port on the machine with the given ip.
NetEndPoint(String, int, String) - Konstruktor für Klasse
Creates a new NetEndPoint that will connect to the given target on the given port on the machine with the given ip.
NetEndPoint(String, int, String) - Konstruktor für Klasse
Creates a new NetEndPoint that will connect to the given target slot on the given port on the machine with the given ip.
NEW - Enum-Konstante in Enum-Klasse ch.nolix.systemapi.databaseobjectapi.databaseobjectproperty.DatabaseObjectState
NEW_LINE - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.stringcatalogueapi.CharacterCatalogue
NEW_LINE - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.stringcatalogueapi.StringCatalogue
NEW_TAB - Enum-Konstante in Enum-Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.webapi.webproperty.LinkTarget
NewArgumentException - Ausnahmeklasse in ch.nolix.core.errorcontrol.invalidargumentexception
A NewArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably not new.
NewEntityDto - Datensatzklasse in ch.nolix.system.sqlrawdata.datadto
NewEntityDto(String, ImmutableList<IContentFieldDto>) - Konstruktor für Datensatzklasse ch.nolix.system.sqlrawdata.datadto.NewEntityDto
Erstellt eine Instanz einer Datensatzklasse NewEntityDto.
NewEntityDto(String, IContainer<IContentFieldDto>) - Konstruktor für Datensatzklasse ch.nolix.system.sqlrawdata.datadto.NewEntityDto
newEntryForMultiBackReferenceAndReferencedEntityId(IMultiBackReference<E2>, String) - Statische Methode in Klasse
newEntryForMultiValueAndValue(IMultiValue<V2>, V2) - Statische Methode in Klasse
NewRequestable - Schnittstelle in ch.nolix.systemapi.databaseobjectapi.databaseobjectapi
next() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.core.commontypetool.arraytool.ArrayIterator
next() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.core.container.arraylist.ArrayListIterator
next() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.core.container.matrix.MatrixIterator
next() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.core.independent.container.ArrayIterator
next() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.core.independent.container.ListIterator
NEXT_ELEMENT - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.LowerCaseVariableCatalogue
NEXT_ELEMENT - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.PascalCaseVariableCatalogue
NEXT_ELEMENTS - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.PluralLowerCaseVariableCatalogue
NEXT_ELEMENTS - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.PluralPascalCaseVariableCatalogue
NextIndexMediator - Klasse in ch.nolix.core.commontypetool.arraytool
NO_LINES - Enum-Konstante in Enum-Klasse ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.containerapi.GridType
Node - Klasse in ch.nolix.core.document.node
A Node is not mutable.
NODE - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.LowerCaseVariableCatalogue
NODE - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.PascalCaseVariableCatalogue
NodeDataAdapter - Klasse in ch.nolix.system.objectdata.dataadapter
NodeDataAdapterBuilder - Klasse in ch.nolix.system.objectdata.dataadapter
NODES - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.PluralLowerCaseVariableCatalogue
NODES - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.PluralPascalCaseVariableCatalogue
NodeSchemaAdapter - Klasse in ch.nolix.system.objectschema.schemaadapter
NOLI_LOG_FILE_NAME - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.environmentapi.nolixenvironmentapi.NolixDirectoryAndFileCatalogue
NOLIX_CONFIGURATION_FILE_NAME - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.environmentapi.nolixenvironmentapi.NolixDirectoryAndFileCatalogue
NOLIX_CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.environmentapi.nolixenvironmentapi.NolixDirectoryAndFileCatalogue
NOLIX_DIRECTORY_NAME - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.environmentapi.nolixenvironmentapi.NolixDirectoryAndFileCatalogue
NOLIX_DIRECTORY_PATH - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.environmentapi.nolixenvironmentapi.NolixDirectoryAndFileCatalogue
NOLIX_ICON - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.system.gui.iconresource.IconCatalogue
NOLIX_JS - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.system.application.mainresource.ResourcePathCatalogue
NOLIX_LICENSES_DIRECTORY_NAME - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.environmentapi.nolixenvironmentapi.NolixDirectoryAndFileCatalogue
NOLIX_LICENSES_DIRECTORY_PATH - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.environmentapi.nolixenvironmentapi.NolixDirectoryAndFileCatalogue
NOLIX_LOG_FILE_PATH - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.environmentapi.nolixenvironmentapi.NolixDirectoryAndFileCatalogue
Nolix2024Pro - Klasse in ch.nolix.core.nolixlicense
Nolix2024Pro() - Konstruktor für Klasse ch.nolix.core.nolixlicense.Nolix2024Pro
NolixConfigurationSSLCertificateReader - Klasse in
NolixConfigurationSSLCertificateReader() - Konstruktor für Klasse
NolixDirectoryAndFileCatalogue - Klasse in ch.nolix.coreapi.environmentapi.nolixenvironmentapi
NonCascadingProperty<S,V> - Klasse in ch.nolix.system.element.multistateconfiguration
NonCascadingProperty(String, Class<S>, Function<INode<?>, V>, Function<V, INode<?>>) - Konstruktor für Klasse ch.nolix.system.element.multistateconfiguration.NonCascadingProperty
NonCascadingProperty(String, Class<S>, Function<INode<?>, V>, Function<V, INode<?>>, BiConsumer<S, V>) - Konstruktor für Klasse ch.nolix.system.element.multistateconfiguration.NonCascadingProperty
NonCascadingProperty(String, Class<S>, Function<INode<?>, V>, Function<V, INode<?>>, BiConsumer<S, V>, V) - Konstruktor für Klasse ch.nolix.system.element.multistateconfiguration.NonCascadingProperty
NonCascadingProperty(String, Class<S>, Function<INode<?>, V>, Function<V, INode<?>>, V) - Konstruktor für Klasse ch.nolix.system.element.multistateconfiguration.NonCascadingProperty
NONE - Enum-Konstante in Enum-Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.securityproperty.SecurityMode
NonEmptyArgumentException - Ausnahmeklasse in ch.nolix.core.errorcontrol.invalidargumentexception
A NonEmptyArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably not (!)
NonNegativeArgumentException - Ausnahmeklasse in ch.nolix.core.errorcontrol.invalidargumentexception
A NonNegativeArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably not (!)
NonPositiveArgumentException - Ausnahmeklasse in ch.nolix.core.errorcontrol.invalidargumentexception
A NonPositiveArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably not (!)
NORMAL - Enum-Konstante in Enum-Klasse ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.atomiccontrolapi.TextMode
NOT_NULL - Enum-Konstante in Enum-Klasse ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlschemaapi.schemadtoapi.ConstraintType
noteAddedApplication(Application<?, ?>) - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.application.main.BaseServer
Notes that the given application has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedApplication(Application<?, ?>) - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.application.main.LocalServer
Notes that the given application has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedApplication(Application<?, ?>) - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.application.main.Server
Notes that the given application has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedApplication(Application<?, ?>) - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.application.main.SslServer
noteAddedDefaultApplication(Application<?, ?>) - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.application.main.BaseServer
Notes that the given defaultApplication has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedDefaultApplication(Application<?, ?>) - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.application.main.LocalServer
Notes that the given defaultApplication has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedDefaultApplication(Application<?, ?>) - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.application.main.Server
Notes that the given defaultApplication has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedDefaultApplication(Application<?, ?>) - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.application.main.SslServer
noteAddedDefaultSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given defaultSlot has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedDefaultSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given defaultSlot has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedDefaultSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given defaultSlot has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedDefaultSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
noteAddedDefaultSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given defaultSlot has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedDefaultSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given defaultSlot has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedDefaultSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given defaultSlot has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedDefaultSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
noteAddedSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given slot has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given slot has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given slot has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
noteAddedSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given slot has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given slot has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given slot has been added to the current BaseServer.
noteAddedSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse
Lets the current GroupCloseable note a close.
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse
Lets the current GroupCloseable note a close.
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse
Lets the current GroupCloseable note a close.
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse
Lets the current GroupCloseable note a close.
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse
Lets the current GroupCloseable note a close.
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse
Lets the current GroupCloseable note a close.
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse
Lets the current GroupCloseable note a close.
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse
Lets the current GroupCloseable note a close.
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.core.resourcecontrol.resourcepool.ResourcePool
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.core.resourcecontrol.resourcepool.WrapperResource
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.core.sql.connection.SqlConnection
noteClose() - Methode in Schnittstelle ch.nolix.coreapi.resourcecontrolapi.resourceclosingapi.GroupCloseable
Lets the current GroupCloseable note a close.
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.application.main.BackendClient
Lets the current GroupCloseable note a close.
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.application.main.BaseServer
Lets the current GroupCloseable note a close.
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.baserawdatabase.databaseadapter.BaseDataAdapter
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.baserawschema.databaseandschemaadapter.BaseDataAndSchemaAdapter
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.noderawdata.datareader.DataReader
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.noderawdata.datawriter.DataWriter
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.noderawschema.schemaadapter.SchemaAdapter
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.noderawschema.schemareader.SchemaReader
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.noderawschema.schemawriter.SchemaWriter
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.objectschema.schema.Column
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.objectschema.schema.Database
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.objectschema.schema.Table
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.objectschema.schemaadapter.SchemaAdapter
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.sqlrawdata.datareader.DataReader
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.sqlrawdata.datawriter.DataWriter
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.schemaadapter.SchemaAdapter
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.schemareader.SchemaReader
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.schemawriter.SchemaWriter
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.sqlschema.schemaadapter.SchemaAdapter
noteClose() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.sqlschema.schemaadapter.SchemaWriter
noteInsert() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.objectdata.entityflyweight.EntityFlyWeight
noteInsert() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.objectdata.entityflyweight.VoidEntityFlyWeight
noteInsert() - Methode in Schnittstelle ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.dataflyweightapi.IEntityFlyWeight
noteRemovedApplication(IApplication<?>) - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.application.main.BaseServer
Notes that the given application has been removed fromt the current BaseServer.
noteRemovedApplication(IApplication<?>) - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.application.main.LocalServer
Notes that the given application has been removed fromt the current BaseServer.
noteRemovedApplication(IApplication<?>) - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.application.main.Server
Notes that the given application has been removed fromt the current BaseServer.
noteRemovedApplication(IApplication<?>) - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.application.main.SslServer
Notes that the given application has been removed fromt the current BaseServer.
noteRemovedSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given slot has been removed from the current BaseServer.
noteRemovedSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given slot has been removed from the current BaseServer.
noteRemovedSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given slot has been removed from the current BaseServer.
noteRemovedSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given slot has been removed from the current BaseServer.
noteRemovedSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given slot has been removed from the current BaseServer.
noteRemovedSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given slot has been removed from the current BaseServer.
noteRemovedSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
Notes that the given slot has been removed from the current BaseServer.
noteRemovedSlot(ISlot) - Methode in Klasse
noteUpdate() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.objectdata.fieldflyweight.FieldFlyWeight
noteUpdate() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.system.objectdata.fieldflyweight.VoidFieldFlyWeight
noteUpdate() - Methode in Schnittstelle ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.dataflyweightapi.IFieldFlyWeight
NOUN - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.LowerCaseVariableCatalogue
NOUN - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.PascalCaseVariableCatalogue
NOUNS - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.PluralLowerCaseVariableCatalogue
NOUNS - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.PluralPascalCaseVariableCatalogue
NOVEMBER - Enum-Konstante in Enum-Klasse ch.nolix.systemapi.timeapi.timestructureapi.Month
NULL_HEADER - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.stringcatalogueapi.StringCatalogue
NUMBER - Enum-Konstante in Enum-Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.characterproperty.CharacterType
NUMBER - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.LowerCaseVariableCatalogue
NUMBER - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.PascalCaseVariableCatalogue
NumberCatalogue - Klasse in ch.nolix.coreapi.mathapi.basicapi
The NumberCatalogue provides numbers that are important mathematical constants.
NUMBERS - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.PluralLowerCaseVariableCatalogue
NUMBERS - Statische Variable in Klasse ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi.PluralPascalCaseVariableCatalogue
nxtArgCpt() - Methode in Klasse ch.nolix.core.argumentcaptor.base.ArgumentCaptor
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen|Alle Packages|Konstantenfeldwerte|Serialisierte Form