Alle Packages

The ch.nolix.core package defines types for basic purpose.
The ch.nolix.core.argumentcaptor package defines a builder mechanism and some concrete argument captors for it.
The ch.nolix.core.argumentcaptor.andargumentcaptor package defines ArgumentCaptors with and-methods.
The ch.nolix.core.argumentcaptor.base package defines a builder mechanism.
The ch.nolix.core.argumentcaptor.forargumentcaptor package defines ArgumentCaptors with for-methods.
The ch.nolix.core.argumentcaptor.withargumentcaptor package defines ArgumentCaptors with with-methods.
The ch.nolix.core.commontypetool package defines tools and wrappers for common types.
The ch.nolix.core.container package defines containers that can store elements of a given type.
The ch.nolix.core.container.arraycontrol package defines types to control arrays.
The ch.nolix.core.container.base package defines a base IContainer.
The ch.nolix.core.container.immutablelist package defines a immutable list.
The ch.nolix.core.container.matrix package defines Containers that are matrices.
The ch.nolix.core.container.pair package defines containers that store 2 elements.
The ch.nolix.core.container.readcontainer package defines Containers that are views of other Iterable or arrays.
The ch.nolix.core.container.sequencesearch package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.coreapi.containerapi.sequencesearchapi package.
The ch.nolix.core.document package defines document types.
The ch.nolix.core.document.chainednode package defines a chained node.
The ch.nolix.core.document.node package defines a document node.
The ch.nolix.core.document.xml package defines a XmlNode.
The ch.nolix.core.environment package defines types that can access the current environment.
The ch.nolix.core.environment.filesystem package defines methods to access the file system.
The ch.nolix.core.environment.localcomputer package defines providers to access functionalities of the local computer.
The ch.nolix.core.environment.nolixenvironment package defines types for the Nolix environments.
The ch.nolix.core.environment.runningjar package defines providers to access the currently running jar.
The ch.nolix.core.errorcontrol package provides classes for error control.
The ch.nolix.core.errorcontrol.errormapping package defines mappers for errors.
The ch.nolix.core.errorcontrol.exception package defines some general Exceptions.
The ch.nolix.core.errorcontrol.invalidargumentexception package defines exceptions for invalid arguments.
The ch.nolix.core.errorcontrol.logging package defines a logger.
The ch.nolix.core.errorcontrol.validator package defines a validator.
The ch.nolix.core.independent package defines types that have as less dependencies as possible.
The ch.nolix.core.independent.container package defines containers that do not have a dependency.
The ch.nolix.core.independent.containertool package defines tools for common types.
The ch.nolix.core.independent.containervalidator package defines independent validators for containers.
The ch.nolix.core.language package defines tools for languages.
The ch.nolix.core.license package defines a programmatic license system.
The ch.nolix.core.math package defines types for mathematics.
The ch.nolix.core.math.algebra package defines types for algebra.
The ch.nolix.core.math.basic package defines types for basic mathematics.
The ch.nolix.core.math.main package defines a powerful calculator.
The ch.nolix.core.math.stochastic package defines types for stochastic.
The package provides classes for net communication.
The package defines an end point and a server for it.
The package defines an end point and a server for it.
The package defines an end point and a server for it.
The package defines types that support the HTTP protocol.
The package defines types for messaging.
The package defines types for TLS.
The package defines some types that are declared ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.targetapi.
The package defines types that support a WebSocket server.
The ch.nolix.core.nolixlicense package defines Licenses for the Nolix library.
The ch.nolix.core.programanalysis package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.coreapi.programanalysisapi package.
The ch.nolix.core.programatom package defines atom parts for programs, for example names or functions.
The ch.nolix.core.programatom.function package defines functions.
The ch.nolix.core.programatom.unsignedbyte package defines an unsigned byte.
The ch.nolix.core.programatom.voidobject package defines a void object.
The ch.nolix.core.programcontrol package defines types for program control.
The ch.nolix.core.programcontrol.closepool package declares a closable element.
The ch.nolix.core.programcontrol.future package defines a base IFuture.
The ch.nolix.core.programcontrol.jobpool package defines a job pool, that can run several jobs in background.
The ch.nolix.core.programcontrol.sequencer package defines functions for: -Running jobs in background.
The ch.nolix.core.programcontrol.stopwatch package defines a stop watch.
The ch.nolix.core.programcontrol.usercontrol package defines functionalities to control users.
The ch.nolix.core.programcontrol.worker package defines a worker, that can be started.
The ch.nolix.core.programstructure package defines types for program structure.
The ch.nolix.core.programstructure.caching package defines types that provide caching mechanisms.
The package defines functionalities for data and persistence.
The ch.nolix.core.reflection package defines tools for reflection.
The ch.nolix.core.resourcecontrol package defines types that are declared in the ch.nolix.coreapi.resourcecontrolapi package
The ch.nolix.core.sql package defines an SQL connection.
The ch.nolix.core.sql.connection package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.coreapi.sqlapi.connectionapi package.
The ch.nolix.core.sql.connectionpool package defines a connection pool.
The ch.nolix.core.testing package defines types for testing.
The ch.nolix.core.testing.performancetest package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.coreapi.testingapi.performancetestapi package.
The ch.nolix.core.testing.standardtest package defines a base test.
The ch.nolix.core.web package defines types for web.
The ch.nolix.core.web.css package defines the types that are declared in the {ch.nolix.coreapi.documentapi.cssapi} package.
The ch.nolix.core.web.html package defines the types that are declared in the {ch.nolix.coreapi.documentapi.htmlapi} package.
The ch.nolix.coreapi package declares types for basic purpose.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.attributeapi package declares types with a certain attribute.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.attributeapi.fluentmutablemandatoryattributeapi package declares fluent types with a certain mutable attribute.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.attributeapi.fluentmutablemultiattributeapi package declares fluent types with a certain mutable multi-attribute.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.attributeapi.fluentmutableoptionalattributeapi package declares fluent types with a certain mutable and optional attribute.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.attributeapi.mandatoryattributeapi package declares types with a certain mandatory attribute.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.attributeapi.multiattributeapi package declares types with a certain multi-attribute.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.attributeapi.mutablemandatoryattributeapi package declares types with a certain mutable attribute.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.attributeapi.mutablemultiattributeapi package declares types with a certain mutable multi-attribute.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.attributeapi.mutableoptionalattributeapi package declares types with a certain mutable and optional attribute.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.attributeapi.optionalattributeapi package declares types with a certain optional attribute.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.containerapi package declares containers.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.containerapi.baseapi package declares a base container.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.containerapi.listapi package declares a base container.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.containerapi.matrixapi package declares matrixes.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.containerapi.pairapi package declares pairs.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.containerapi.sequencesearchapi package declares types to search for specific sequences in IContainers.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.datamodelapi package declares types for data models.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.datamodelapi.cardinalityapi package defines cardinalities.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.datamodelapi.entityproperty package defines properties for entities.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.datamodelapi.entityrequestapi package declares types for entities that can be asked for certain information.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.datamodelapi.fieldproperty package defines properties for entity fields.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.datamodelapi.fieldrequestapi package declares types for entity fields that can be asked for certain information.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.documentapi package declares document types.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.documentapi.chainednodeapi package declares a document chained node.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.documentapi.nodeapi package declares a document node.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.documentapi.xmlapi package declares a XML node.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.environmentapi package declares types for the environment.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.environmentapi.filesystemapi package declares types for accessing the file system.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.environmentapi.nolixenvironmentapi package declares types for the Nolix environments.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.errorcontrolapi package declares types for error control.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.errorcontrolapi.loggingapi package declares types for logging.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.errorcontrolapi.performancevalidatorapi package declares validators for performance.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.mathapi package declares types for mathematics.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.mathapi.basicapi package defines types for the basics of mathematics.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.mathapi.function package defines mathematical functions.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi package declares types for net.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.baseendpointapi package declares a base end point.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.endpoint2api package declares an end point that can send requests.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.endpoint2protocol package defines the protocol for IEndPoints.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.endpoint3api package declares an end point that can send commands and data requests.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.endpoint3protocol package defines the protocol for IEndPoints.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.endpointapi package declares an end point that can send and receive String messages.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.endpointprotocol package defines the protocol for IEndPoints.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.netconstantapi package defines net constants.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.netproperty package defines properties for net.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.securityproperty package declares properties for security.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.sslapi package declares types for TLS.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.targetapi package declares targets where can be connected to through a network.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.websocketapi package declares types for web sockets.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programanalysisapi package declares types for program analysis.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programanalysisapi package declares types for performance analysis.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi package declares atom parts for programs, for example names or functions.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.characterproperty package defines properties for common types.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.stringcatalogueapi package declares catalogues for Strings.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.timeunitapi package defines constants for time units.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programatomapi.variableapi package defines variable names.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programcontrolapi package declares types for program control.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programcontrolapi.futureapi is an API that declares futures, that can be returned when a background job is started.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programcontrolapi.processapi package declares types for processes.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programcontrolapi.processproperty package defines process properties.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programcontrolapi.savecontrolapi package declares types for save control.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programcontrolapi.triggerapi package declares types to subscribe and trigger.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programstructureapi package declares types for program structure.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programstructureapi.builderapi declares types for building objects.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programstructureapi.cachingapi package declares types that provide caching.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programstructureapi.dataapi package declares functionalities for data and persistence.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programstructureapi.linkingapi package declares types that provide a linking mechanism.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.programstructureapi.typerequestapi package declares types that can be asked about their type.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.resourcecontrolapi package declares types for resource control.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.resourcecontrolapi.resourceclosingapi package declares types for resource control.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.resourcecontrolapi.resourcepoolapi package declares a resource pool.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.sqlapi package declares types for SQL.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.sqlapi.connectionapi package declares types for database connections.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.sqlapi.sqlproperty package defines properties for SQL.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.stateapi package declares types with general states.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.stateapi.statemutationapi declares types that can change their states.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.stateapi.staterequestapi package declares types that can be asked for states.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.testingapi package declares validations for tests.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.testingapi.performancetestapi package declares validations for performance tests.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.webapi package declares types for web.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.webapi.cookieapi package declares types for web sessions.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.webapi.cssapi package declares a CSS.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.webapi.htmlapi package declares a HTML element.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.webapi.webproperty package defines properties for web.
The ch.nolix.system package defines types for general purpose.
The ch.nolix.system.application package defines base applications and base clients.
The ch.nolix.system.application.component package defines a base type of components for web applications.
The ch.nolix.system.application.main package defines a base application and a base client.
The ch.nolix.system.application.mainresource package contains the resources for the ch.nolix.system.application.main package.
The ch.nolix.system.application.maintestutil package defines test util types for the ch.nolix.system.application.main package.
The ch.nolix.system.application.webapplicationcounterpartupdater package defines counterpart updater for web Applications.
The ch.nolix.system.application.webapplicationrefreshqueue package defines refresh queue for web clients.
The ch.nolix.system.baserawdatabase package defines some base types for the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.baserawdatabase.databaseadapter package defines some base types for the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi.dataadapterapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.baserawschema package defines some base types for the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.baserawschema.databaseandschemaadapter package defines some base types for the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.databaseapplication package defines a general database application.
The ch.nolix.system.databaseapplication.fieldbinder package defines binders that can bind IFields to IControls.
The ch.nolix.system.databaseobject package contains types for interacting with databases.
The ch.nolix.system.element package defines base elements.
The ch.nolix.system.element package defines a base element.
The ch.nolix.system.element.multistateconfiguration package defines a cascading formatable IMutableElement.
The package defines properties.
The ch.nolix.system.element.relativevalue package defines relative values.
The package defines a configuration.
The ch.nolix.system.graphic package defines types for graphic.
The ch.nolix.system.graphic.color package defines a color.
The ch.nolix.system.graphic.image package defines an image.
The ch.nolix.system.gui package defines types for GUIs.
The ch.nolix.system.gui.background package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.guiapi.backgroundapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.gui package declares types for front-end
The ch.nolix.system.gui.iconresource package defines some icons.
The ch.nolix.system.noderawdata package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi package for databases that base on BaseNodes.
The ch.nolix.system.noderawdata.dataadapter package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi.dataadapterapi package for databases that base on BaseNodes.
The ch.nolix.system.noderawdata.dataandschemaadapter package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi.dataandschemaadapterapi package for databases that base on BaseNodes.
The ch.nolix.system.noderawdata.datareader package defines a IDataReader for databases that base on BaseNodes.
The ch.nolix.system.noderawdata.datawriter package defines a IDataWriter for databases that base on BaseNodes.
The ch.nolix.system.noderawdata.nodesearcher package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.noderawdataapi.nodesearcherapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.noderawdata.structure package defines types for the structure of databases that base on BaseNodes..
The ch.nolix.system.noderawdata.tabledefinition package defines a table definition DTO.
The ch.nolix.system.noderawschema package defines types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawschemaapi package for databases that base on BaseNodes.
The ch.nolix.system.noderawschema.databaseinitializer package defines a database initializer.
The ch.nolix.system.noderawschema.databaseschemainspector package defines a database schema inspector.
The ch.nolix.system.noderawschema.nodesearcher package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.noderawschemaapi.nodesearcherapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.noderawschema.schemaadapter package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawschemaapi.schemaadapterapi package for databases that base on BaseNodes.
The ch.nolix.system.noderawschema.structure package defines types for the structure.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata packages implements the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata.changesetsaver packages defines the types to save changesets.
The packages implements the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.dataapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata.dataadapter packages defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.dataadapterapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata.datatool packages implements the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.datatoolapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata.datavalidator packages implements the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.datavalidatorapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata.fieldflyweight packages implements the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.dataflyweightapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata.fieldtool packages implements the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.fieldtoolapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata.fieldvalidator packages implements the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.fieldvalidatorapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata.schema packages defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.schemaapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata.schemamapper packages implements the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.schemamapperapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectschema package defines types to access the schema of databases.
The ch.nolix.system.objectschema.flatschemadto package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawschemaapi.flatschemadtoapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectschema.parameterizedfieldtype package defines schema data types.
The ch.nolix.system.objectschema.rawschemalinker packages defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectschemaapi.rawschemalinkerapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectschema.schema package defines the types that are declared in the {ch.nolix.techapi.databaseschemaapi.schemaapi} package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectschema.schemaadapter package defines a base {ch.nolix.techapi.databaseschemaapi.schemaadapterapi.IDatabaseSchemaAdapter}.
The ch.nolix.system.objectschema.schemadto package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawschemaapi.schemadtoapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectschema.schematool packages implements the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectschemaapi.schematoolapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawdata package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi package for SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawdata.dataadapter package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi.dataadapterapi package for SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawdata.dataandschemaadapter package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi.dataandschemaadapterapi package for SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawdata.databaseinspector package defines a database inspector.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawdata.datadto package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi.datadtoapi package for SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawdata.datareader package defines a IDataReader for SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawdata.datawriter package defines a IDataWriter for SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawdata.querycreator package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlrawdataapi.querycreatorapi package
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawdata.schemainfo package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi.schemainfoapi package for SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawdata.sqlsyntax package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlrawdataapi.sqlsyntaxapi package for MSSQL databases.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawdata.statementcreator package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlrawdataapi.statementcreatorapi package
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema package defines types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawschemaapi package for SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.columntable package defines types for the column system table.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.databaseinitializer package defines a database initializer.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.databasepropertytable package defines types for the database property system table.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.databaseschemainspector package defines a database schema inspector.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.datatype package defines data types for SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.entityheadtable package defines types for the entity head table.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.multibackreferenceentrytable package defines types for multi-back-reference entry tables.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.multireferenceentrytable package defines types for the multi reference entry table.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.multivalueentrytable package defines types for the multi value entry table.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.schemaadapter package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.rawschemaapi.schemaadapterapi package for SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.structure package defines types for the structure.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.tabletable package defines types for the table system table.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlschema package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlschemaapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlschema.flatschemadto package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlschemaapi.flatschemadtoapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlschema.schemaadapter package defines base types of the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlschemaapi.schemaadapterapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlschema.schemadto package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlschemaapi.schemadtoapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlschema.sqlsyntax package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlschemaapi.sqlsyntaxapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.time package defines types for time.
The ch.nolix.system.time.moment package defines a time.
The ch.nolix.system.time.timevalidator package defines a validator for Times.
The ch.nolix.system.webgui package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.
The ch.nolix.system.webgui.atomiccontrol package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.atomiccontrolapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.webgui.basecontainer package defines a base container IControl.
The ch.nolix.system.webgui.basecontroltool package defines base services for IControls.
The ch.nolix.system.webgui.container package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.containerapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.webgui.controlstyle package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.controlstyleapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.webgui.controltool package defines tools for IControls.
The ch.nolix.system.webgui.itemmenu package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.itemmenuapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.webgui.layertool package defines tools for ILayers.
The ch.nolix.system.webgui.linearcontainer package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.linearcontainerapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.webgui.main package defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.mainapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.webgui.mainvalidator package defines validators for the types in the ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.mainapi package.
The ch.nolix.systemapi package defines APIs that declares types for technical use.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.applicationapi package declares types for server applications.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.applicationapi.basewebapplicationprotocol package defines protocols for base Application for web.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.applicationapi.componentapi package declares components for web IApplications.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.applicationapi.mainapi package declares applications and back-end clients.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.applicationapi.webapplicationapi package declares types for web applications.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.applicationapi.webapplicationcounterpartupdaterapi package declares types to update the counterpart of web Applications.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.databaseobjectapi package declares common types to access databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.databaseobjectapi.databaseobjectapi package declares a database object.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.databaseobjectapi.databaseobjectproperty package defines properties for database objects.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.elementapi package declares an element.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.elementapi.baseapi package declares an element.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.elementapi.multistateconfigurationapi package declares a multi-state element.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.elementapi.mutableelementapi package declares mutable elements.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.elementapi.propertyapi package declares properties.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.elementapi.relativevalueapi package declares relative values.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.elementapi.styleapi package declares a configuration for elements.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.graphicapi package declares types for graphic.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.graphicapi.colorapi package declares a color.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.graphicapi.imageapi package declares an image.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.guiapi package declares GUIs.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.guiapi.backgroundapi package declares a background.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.guiapi.canvasapi package declares a canvas.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.guiapi.contentalignmentproperty package defines properties for the alignment of the content of GUIs or GUI elements.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.guiapi.fontapi package declares a text format.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.guiapi.frontendapi package defines types for front-end.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.guiapi.guiproperty package defines properties for GUIs and their elements.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.guiapi.mainapi package declares a GUI.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.guiapi.presenceapi package declares types for presence.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.guiapi.selectionapi package declares types for processes for GUIs and their elements.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.guiapi.visibilityapi package declares types for the structure of GUIs.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.noderawdataapi package declares types to access the raw data of node databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.noderawdataapi.nodesearcherapi package declares searches for the raw data of node databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.noderawschemaapi package declares types to access the schema of node databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.noderawschemaapi.databaseinitializingapi package declares types to initialize node databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.noderawschemaapi.nodesearcherapi package declares searches for the schema of node databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi package declares types to access the data of databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.dataadapterapi package declares an adapter to access the data of databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.dataapi package declares types for the data of databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.datavalidatorapi package declares validators for the types of the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.dataapi package.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.fieldproperty package defines properties for fields.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.fieldtoolapi package declares tools for IFields.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.fieldvalidatorapi package declares validators for IField package.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.schemaapi package declares a schema for IEntity.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.schemamapperapi package declares a mapper that can map IEntity types to ITables.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectschemaapi package declares types to access the schema of databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectschemaapi.rawschemalinkerapi package declares types to access raw schemas for object schemas .
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectschemaapi.schemaadapterapi package declares adapters to access the schema of databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectschemaapi.schemaapi package declares schema types for databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi package declares types to access the data of databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi.dataadapterapi package declares types to access the data of databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi.dataandschemaadapterapi package declares types to access the data and schema of databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi.datadtoapi package declares DTOs for the data of databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.rawdataapi.schemainfoapi package declares types that contain information about the database schema.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.rawschemaapi package declares types to access the schema of real databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.rawschemaapi.databaseproperty package defines database properties.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.rawschemaapi.schemaadapterapi package declares adapters to access the schema of real databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlrawdataapi package declares types to access the data of SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlrawdataapi.querycreatorapi package declares types that can create queries to access the data of SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlrawdataapi.sqlsyntaxapi package declares types that can create queries and statements to access the data of SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlrawdataapi.statementcreatorapi package declares types that can create statements to access the data of SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlrawschemaapi package declares types to access the schema of SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlrawschemaapi.databaseinitializerapi package declares types to initialize SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlrawschemaapi.schemawriterapi package declares types to write schemas of SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlrawschemaapi.tabletableapi package declares types for the schema of the meta table for tables.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlschemaapi package declares types to access the schema of SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlschemaapi.flatschemadtoapi package declares flat DTOs for the schema of SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlschemaapi.schemaadapterapi package declares types to access the schema of SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlschemaapi.schemadtoapi package declares DTOs for the schema of SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.sqlschemaapi.sqlsyntaxapi package declares types that can create queries and statements to access the schema of SQL databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.timeapi package declares types for time.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.timeapi.momentapi package declares types that represent a time moment.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.timeapi.timestructureapi package declares types for time structure.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi package declares a web GUI.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.basecontainerapi package declares a base container IControl.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.containerapi package declares container IControls.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.controlstyleapi package declares styles for GUI controls.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.controltoolapi package declares components for IControls.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.itemmenuapi package declares IControls that are item menus.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.linearcontainerapi package declares linear container IContainers.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.webguiapi.mainapi package declares a web GUI.
The package defines types for business purpose.
The package provides an implementation of the ch.nolix.techapi.mathapi package.
The package provides an implementation of the ch.nolix.techapi.mathapi.bigdecimalmathapi package.
The package provides an implementation of the ch.nolix.techapi.mathapi.fractalapi package.
The package provides an implementation of the ch.nolix.techapi.relationaldocapi package.
The package defines data evaluators.
The package provides an implementation of the ch.nolix.techapi.relationaldocapi.datamodelapi package.
The package provides an implementation of the ch.nolix.techapi.relationaldocapi.datatoolapi package.
The package defines data validators.
The package provides an implementation of the ch.nolix.techapi.serverdashboardapi package.
The package defines a server dashboard application.
The package defines a server dashboard application.
The package defines the views of the server dashboard application.
The ch.nolix.techapi package defines APIs for business purpose.
The ch.nolix.techapi.mathapi package declares mathematical types.
The ch.nolix.techapi.mathapi.bigdecimalmathapi package is an API for mathematical features, whereas all numbers have a dynamic size.
The ch.nolix.techapi.mathapi.fractalapi package declares types for fractals.
The ch.nolix.techapi.relationaldocapi package declares a relational document model.
The ch.nolix.techapi.relationaldocapi.baseapi package declares the base types of a relational document model.
The ch.nolix.techapi.relationaldocapi.dataaapterapi package declares the data adapter of a relational document model.
The ch.nolix.techapi.relationaldocapi.datamodelapi package declares the main types of a relational document model.
The ch.nolix.techapi.serverdashboardapi package is an API for an access to the dashboard of a server.
The ch.nolix.template package defines templates.
The ch.nolix.template.graphic package defines graphic objects.
The ch.nolix.template.graphic.texture package defines textures.
The ch.nolix.template.math package defines mathematical objects.
The ch.nolix.template.math.sequence package defines types for sequences.
The ch.nolix.template.webapplication package defines templates for web applications.
The ch.nolix.template.webapplication.session package defines sessions.
The ch.nolix.template.webgui package defines templates for IWebGuis.
The ch.nolix.template.webgui.dialog package defines dialog ILayers.
The package defines styles for IWebGuis.