Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen

A AbsoluteOrRelativeInt stores either an integer or a percentage.
A AbstractnessRequestable can be asked if it is either abstract or concrete.
A ActivenessRequestable can be asked if it is active.
A AfterEveryMediator is not mutable.
A AlivenessRequestable can be asked if it is alive or outdated.
A ArgumentBelongsToParentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument belongs undesirably to a parent.
A ArgumentContainsElementException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument contains undesirably a given element.
A ArgumentDoesNotBelongToParentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument does undesirably not belong to a parent.
A ArgumentDoesNotContainElementException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument does undesirably not contain a given element.
A ArgumentDoesNotHaveAttributeException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument does undesirably not have a specific attribute.
A ArgumentDoesNotSupportMethodException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument does undesirably not support an invoked method.
A ArgumentHasAttributeException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument has undesirably a certain attribute.
A ArgumentIsInRangeException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given value is undesirably in a certain range.
A ArgumentIsNotNullException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably not (!)
A ArgumentIsNullException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably null.
A ArgumentIsOutOfRangeException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably not in a certain range.
A ArgumentMediator is not mutable.
An as long as mediator is not mutable.
A BaseServer can contain Applications.
A BiggerArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably bigger than a certain max.
A BlanknessRequestable can be asked if it is blank.
A ChainedNode has the following attributes. -0 or 1 header -an arbitrary number of child ChainedNodes -0 or 1 next ChainedNode A ChainedNode is not mutable.
A ChangeRequestable can be asked if it has uncommitted changes.
A ChangeState defines if something is unchanged or changed.
Of the CharacterCatalogue an instance cannot be created.
A Clearable can contain elements that can be removed.
A Client is an end point with comfortable functionalities.
A Clearable is a AutoCloseable whose close method does not declare a Exception.
A ClosedArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when an argument is undesirably closed.
A CloseState indicates if something is either open, on closing or closed.
A CloseStateRequestable can be asked if it is closed or open.
A ClosureMediator is not mutable.
A Color is not mutable.
A ColorGradient is not mutable.
A CompletenessRequestable can be asked if it is complete.
A ComplexNumber is not mutable.
A named container mediator is an argument mediator for an iterable object with a name.
A ContentTypeRequestable can be asked if it either is for holding values or references.
A Copyable can be copied.
A CopyableIterator is a Iterator that can be copied.
A CreationMode defines the behavior when a target, that should be created, exist already.
A DeletedArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably deleted.
A DirectionInCanvas defines the way between two points of a rectangle.
A double mediator is a mediator for a double.
A EmptinessRequestable can be asked if it is empty or contains elements.
A EmptyArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably empty.
A EnablingRequestable can be asked if it is enabled or disabled.
A EqualArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument equals undesirably a certain value.
A ExpansionRequestable can be asked if it is expanded or collapsed.
An extended generic argument mediator is not mutable.
An extended container mediator is not mutable.
An extended double mediator is not mutable.
An ExtendedLongMediator is not mutable.
An extended string mediator is not mutable.
A Feature can be required for certain functionalities.
A file accessor can access a given file.
The FileExtensionCatalogue defines common file extensions.
A FileNode is a specification that is stored in a file.
A file system item accessor can access a given file system item.
A FinishRequestable can be asked if it is running or finished.
A FloatingPointNumberPair contains two floating point numbers.
A FolderAccessor can access a folder.
A Font is not mutable.
Of the FontCodeCatalogue an instance cannot be created.
A ForCountMediator is not mutable.
A ForMaxMillisecondsMediator is not mutable.
Of the FunctionCatalogue an instance cannot be created.
The GlobalArrayTool provides functions to handle arrays.
The GlobalCalculator provides mathematical functions.
The GlobalCharacterTool provides methods to handle characters.
The GlobalDoubleTool provides methods to handle doubles.
The GlobalExecutableTool provides methods to handle Executables.
The GlobalFileSystemAccessor can access the file system on the local machine.
The GlobalIterableTool provides methods to handle Iterables.
Of the GlobalLicenseManager an instance cannot be created.
The GlobalSequencer provides methods for flow control.
The GlobalStringTool provides methods to handle Strings.
The GlobalValidator provides methods to validate arguments.
A IAbsoluteOrRelativeInt stores either an integer or a percentage.
A IArrayList is a IContainer that can add and remove elements.
A IBuilder can build Objects.
A IChainedNode has the following attributes. -0 or 1 header -an arbitrary number of child IChainedNodes -0 or 1 next IChainedNode A IChainedNode that does not have a header, does not contain attributes and does not have a next IChainedNode is blank.
A IChangeSaver can save its changes.
A IColor represents a true color with an alpha value.
A IContainer can store several elements of a certain type.
A IFluentMutableCardinalityHolder is a ICardinalityHolder whose Cardinality can be set programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableHeaderHolder is a IHeaderHolder whose header can be set programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableIdHolder is a IIdHolder whose id can be set programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableLabelHolder is a ILabelHolder whose label can be set programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableMultiTextHolder is a IMultiTextHolder whose texts can be added and removed programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableMultiTokenHolder is a IMultiTokenHolder whose tokens can be added and removed programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableMultiValueHolder is a IMultiValueHolder whose values can be added and removed programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableNameHolder is a INameHolder whose name can be set programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableOptionalCardinalityHolder is a ICardinalityHolder whose cardinality can be set and removed programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableOptionalHeaderHolder is a IOptionalHeaderHolder whose header can be set and removed programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableOptionalIdHolder is a IOptionalIdHolder whose id can be set and removed programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableOptionalLabelHolder is a IOptionalLabelHolder whose label can be set and removed programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableOptionalNameHolder is a IOptionalNameHolder whose name can be set and removed programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableOptionalQualifiedNameHolder is a IOptionalQualifiedNameHolder whose name can be set and removed programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableOptionalSaveStampHolder is a IOptionalSaveStampHolder whose save stamp can be set and removed programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableOptionalTextHolder is a ITextHolder whose text can be set and removed programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableOptionalTitleHolder is a IOptionalTitleHolder whose title can be set and removed programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableOptionalTokenHolder is a IOptionalTokenHolder whose token can be set and removed programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableOptionalValueHolder is a IOptionalValueHolder whose value can be set and removed programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableQualifiedNameHolder is a IQualifiedNameHolder whose name can be set programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableSaveStampHolder is a ISaveStampHolder whose save stamp can be set programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableTextHolder is a ITextHolder whose text can be set programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableTitleHolder is a ITitleHolder whose title can be set programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableTokenHolder is a ITokenHolder whose token can be set programmatically and fluently.
A IFluentMutableValueHolder is a IValueHolder whose value can be set programmatically and fluently.
A IFuture is supposed to be given back when a job is started in background.
A IHeaderHolder has a header.
A IIdHolder has an id.
A ILabelHolder has a label.
A ILinkedList is a IContainer that can add and remove elements.
A ImmutableList is a Container that is not mutable.
A IMultiTextHolder can contain several texts.
A IMultiTokenHolder can have several tokens.
A IMultiValueHolder can contain several values.
A IMutableCardinalityHolder is a ICardinalityHolder whose cardinality can be set programmatically.
A IMutableHeaderHolder is a IHeaderHolder whose header can be set programmatically.
A IMutableIdHolder is a IIdHolder whose id can be set programmatically.
A IMutableLabelHolder is a ILabelHolder whose label can be set programmatically.
A IMutableMultiTextHolder is a IMultiTextHolder whose texts can be added and removed programmatically.
A IMutableMultiTokenHolder is a IMultiTokenHolder whose tokens can be added and removed programmatically.
A IMutableMultiValueHolder is a IMultiValueHolder whose values can be added and removed programmatically.
A IMutableNameHolder is a INameHolder whose name can be set programmatically.
A IMutableNode is a INode that is mutable.
A IMutableOptionalCardinalityHolder is a IOptionalCardinalityHolder whose cardinality can be set and removed programmatically.
A IMutableOptionalHeaderHolder is a IOptionalHeaderHolder whose header can be set and removed programmatically.
A IMutableOptionalIdHolder is a IOptionalIdHolder whose id can be set and removed programmatically.
A IMutableOptionalLabelHolder is a IOptionalLabelHolder whose label can be set and removed programmatically.
A IMutableOptionalNameHolder is a IOptionalNameHolder whose name can be set and removed programmatically.
A IMutableOptionalQualifiedNameHolder is a IOptionalQualifiedNameHolder whose qualified name can be set and removed programmatically.
A IMutableOptionalSaveStampHolder is a IOptionalSaveStampHolder whose save stamp can be set and removed programmatically.
A IMutableOptionalTextHolder is a IOptionalTextHolder whose text can be set and removed programmatically.
A IMutableOptionalTitleHolder is a IOptionalTitleHolder whose title can be set and removed programmatically.
A IMutableOptionalTokenHolder is a IOptionalTokenHolder whose token can be set and removed programmatically.
A IMutableQualifiedNameHolder is a IQualifiedNameHolder whose name can be set programmatically.
A IMutableSaveStampHolder is a ISaveStampHolder whose save stamp can be set programmatically.
A IMutableTextHolder is a ITextHolder whose text can be set programmatically.
A IMutableTitleHolder is a ITitleHolder whose title can be set programmatically.
A IMutableTokenHolder is a ITokenHolder whose token can be set programmatically.
A IMutableValueHolder is a IValueHolder whose value can be set and removed programmatically.
A INameHolder has a name.
A IndexedPackage bundles an index and a content.
A INode has the following attributes. -0 or 1 header -an arbitrary number of child INodes A INode that does not have a header and does not contains attributes is blank.
A InvalidArgumentException is a RuntimeException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is not valid.
A InvalidPortException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given port is not valid.
A IOptionalCardinalityHolder can have a cardinality.
A IOptionalHeaderHolder can have a header.
A IOptionalIdHolder can have an id.
A IOptionalLabelHolder can have a label.
A IOptionalNameHolder can have a name.
A IOptionalQualifiedNameHolder can have a qualified name.
A IOptionalSaveStampHolder can have a save stamp.
A IOptionalTextHolder can have a text.
A IOptionalTitleHolder can have a title.
A IOptionalTokenHolder can have a token.
A IOptionalValueHolder can have a value.
A IPair contains 2 elements.
Of the IPv4Catalogue an instance cannot be created.
Of the IPv6Catalogue an instance cannot be created.
A IQualifiedNameHolder has a qualified name.
A IResultFuture is a IFuture that will deliver a result when it is finished.
A ISaveStampHolder has a save stamp.
A ISelectingStyle is a IBaseStyle that can select or skip a IStylableElement that is given to be styled.
A ISelectingStyleWithSelectors is a ISelectingStyle that can have specific selectors.
A IServer can contain IApplications.
A IStylableElement is configurable and can contain other IStylableElements.
A IStyleElement can have a IStyle to apply to itself and to its child elements.
A ITextHolder has a text.
A ITitleHolder has a title.
A ITokenHolder has a token.
A IValueHolder has a value.
A JobPool runs jobs in the background.
The LicenseEnvironment provides information about the Nolix license environment on the local computer.
A LicenseManager contains Licenses.
A LinkedList is a Container that can add elements at the begin or end.
A LocalEndPoint is an EndPoint that can send messages to another LocalEndPoint.
A local end point can send messages to an other local end point.
A local duplex controller can interact with another local duplex controller.
A LongMediator is a Mediator for a long argument.
Of the LowerCaseVariableCatalogue an instance cannot be created.
A MandatorynessRequestable can be asked if it is mandatory.
A MaterializationRequestable can be asked if it is either materialized or a view.
A Matrix is a Container that stores its elements in rows and columns.
A Matrix represents a mathematical matrix of doubles.
Of the MessageHeaderCatalogue an instance cannot be created.
A multi argument mediator is an mediator for several arguments of the same type.
A multi double mediator is not mutable.
A long container mediator is not mutable.
A string container mediator is not mutable.
A MutabilityRequestable can be asked if it is mutable.
A NegativeArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably negative.
A NetEndPoint can send messages to an other NetEndPoint that is on: -the same process on the local computer -another process on the local computer -another process on another computer
A NetEndPoint is a EndPoint that can send messages to an other NetEndPoint.
A NewArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably not new.
A Node is not mutable.
A NonEmptyArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably not (!)
A NonNegativeArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably not (!)
A NonPositiveArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably not (!)
The NumberCatalogue provides numbers that are important mathematical constants.
A OnOffRequestable can be asked if it is on or off.
A OnOffState defines if something is on or off.
A Pair contains 2 elements.
Of the PascalCaseVariableCatalogue an instance cannot be created.
Of the PluralLowerCaseVariableCatalogue an instance cannot be created.
Of the PluralPascalCaseVariableCatalogue an instance cannot be created.
A Polynom is not mutable.
The PopupWindowProvider provides methods to show small pop-up windows.
Of the PortCatalogue an instance cannot be created.
A PositiveArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably positive.
A ProcessingMode defines if a process should be run single-threaded or multi-threaded.
A ReadContainer can read a given container.
A Rebuildable can rebuild itself.
A ReferencedArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably referenced.
Of the RegularExpressionPatternCatalogue an instance cannot be created.
Of the RegularExpressionStringPatternCatalogue an instance cannot be created.
A RepetitionMode defines if a process should run once or be repeated forever.
A Resettable can be reset.
A ResourceWasChangedInTheMeanwhileException is a RuntimeException that is supposed to be thrown when a specific resource was undesirably changed in the meanwhile.
A Result defines if a process run was a success or a failure.
A Runnable can be run.
A SequencePattern is a pattern for sequences.
A Server is a BaseServer that listens to NetEndPoint on a specific port.
A Server is a BaseServer that listens to NetEndPoint on a specific port.
A Server is a BaseServer that listens to NetEndPoint on a specific port.
A Server is a BaseServer that listens to net Clients on a specific port.
A ServerListener listens to SocketEndPoints for a Server.
A Session manages user run methods and user data methods.
A SmallerArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirably smaller than a certain limit.
A test is a test that provides the fluent pattern for writing expectations.
Of the StringCatalogue an instance cannot be created.
A StringMediator is a Mediator for an argument that is a String.
A StyleElement is a StyleElement that can have a Style.
A TabExpansionBehavior is not mutable.
A TargetInfoState defines whether a Object either has received a target info or is waiting to a target info.
A ThrownExceptionMediator is not mutable.
Time stores a point in time with a precision of 1 millisecond.
Of the TimeUnitConversionCatalogue an instance cannot be created.
A TransparencyRequestable can be asked if it is transparent.
A TypeRequestable is of a certain type.
A UnacceptedKeyException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given key is not accepted.
A UnconnectedArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument is undesirable not connected.
A UnequalArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument does undesirably not equal a given value.
A UnrepresentingArgumentException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument does undesirable not represent an object of a certain type.
A UnsignedByte is not mutable.
A UnsupportedCaseException is a InvalidArgumentException that is supposed to be thrown when a given argument does support a certain case.
A Vector is not mutable.
A VoidnessRequestable can be asked if it is void.
A VoidObject is useful where just a Object is needed.
A WriteMode defines the behavior when a target, that should be created, exists already.