Schnittstelle IMutableElement

Alle Superschnittstellen:
IElement, Resettable
Alle bekannten Unterschnittstellen:
IAccordion, IAccordionStyle, IButton, IButtonStyle, ICheckbox, ICheckboxStyle, IComponent, IComponentStyle, IContainer<C,ECS>, IControl<C,CS>, IControlHeadStyle<CS>, IControlStyle<CS>, IDropdownMenu, IDropdownMenuStyle, IGrid, IGridStyle, IHorizontalStack, IHorizontalStackStyle, IImageControl, IImageControlStyle, IItemMenu<IM,IMS>, IItemMenuItem<IMI>, IItemMenuStyle<IMS>, ILabel, ILabelStyle, ILayer<L>, ILinearContainer<LC,LCL>, ILinearContainerStyle<LCL>, ILink, ILinkStyle, IMultiStateConfiguration<MSC,S>, IRespondingMutableElement<RME>, ISingleContainer, ISingleContainerStyle, IStylableElement<SE>, IStyleElement<SE>, ITabContainer, ITabContainerStyle, ITextbox, ITextboxStyle, IUploader, IUploaderStyle, IValidationLabel, IValidationLabelStyle, IVerticalStack, IVerticalStackStyle, IWebGui<WG>
Alle bekannten Implementierungsklassen:
BaseComponent, BaseComponentStyle, Button, ButtonStyle, Component, ComponentWithDataSupplier, Container, Control, ControlStyle, DropdownMenu, DropdownMenuStyle, FloatContainer, FloatContainerStyle, Grid, GridCell, GridStyle, HorizontalStack, HorizontalStackStyle, ImageControl, ImageControlStyle, ItemMenu, ItemMenuItem, ItemMenuStyle, Label, LabelStyle, Layer, LinearContainer, LinearContainerStyle, Link, LinkStyle, MockStylableElement, MultiStateConfiguration, MutableElement, MutableImage, SingleContainer, SingleContainerStyle, StylableElement, StyleElement, Textbox, TextboxStyle, Uploader, UploaderStyle, ValidationLabel, ValidationLabelStyle, VerticalStack, VerticalStackStyle, WebApplicationComponent, WebGui

public interface IMutableElement extends Resettable, IElement
A IMutableElement is a IElement. The attributes of a IMutableElement can be mutated separately. The attributes of a IMutableElement can be reset together.
Silvan Wyss
  • Methodendetails

    • addOrChangeAttribute

      void addOrChangeAttribute(INode<?> attribute)
      Adds or changes the given attribute to the current IMutableElement.
      attribute -
    • addOrChangeAttribute

      default void addOrChangeAttribute(INode<?> attribute, INode<?>... attributes)
      Adds or changes the given attributes to the current IMutableElement.
      attribute -
      attributes -
      Löst aus:
      RuntimeException - if one of the given attributes is not valid.
    • addOrChangeAttribute

      void addOrChangeAttribute(String attribute, String... attributes)
      Adds or changes the given attributes to the current IMutableElement.
      attribute -
      attributes -
      Löst aus:
      RuntimeException - if one of the given attributes is not valid.
    • addOrChangeAttributes

      default void addOrChangeAttributes(Iterable<? extends INode<?>> attributes)
      Adds or changes the given attributes to the current IMutableElement.
      attributes -
      Löst aus:
      RuntimeException - if one of the given attributes is not valid.
    • resetFromAttributes

      default void resetFromAttributes(Iterable<? extends INode<?>> attributes)
      Resets the current IMutableElement from the given attributes.
      attributes -
      Löst aus:
      RuntimeException - if one of the given attributes is not valid.
    • resetFromSpecification

      default void resetFromSpecification(INode<?> specification)
      Resets the current IMutableElement from the given specification.
      specification -
      Löst aus:
      RuntimeException - if the given specification is not valid.