Verwendungen von Schnittstelle

Packages, die IEntity verwenden
The ch.nolix.system.databaseapplication.fieldbinder package defines binders that can bind IFields to IControls.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata.changesetsaver packages defines the types to save changesets.
The packages implements the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.dataapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata.datatool packages implements the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.datatoolapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata.datavalidator packages implements the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.datavalidatorapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata.fieldtool packages implements the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.fieldtoolapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata.fieldvalidator packages implements the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.fieldvalidatorapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata.schema packages defines the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.schemaapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectdata.schemamapper packages implements the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.schemamapperapi package.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.dataadapterapi package declares an adapter to access the data of databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.dataapi package declares types for the data of databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.datavalidatorapi package declares validators for the types of the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.dataapi package.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.fieldtoolapi package declares tools for IFields.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.fieldvalidatorapi package declares validators for IField package.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.schemaapi package declares a schema for IEntity.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.schemamapperapi package declares a mapper that can map IEntity types to ITables.
The package provides an implementation of the ch.nolix.techapi.relationaldocapi.datamodelapi package.