Verwendungen von Klasse
Packages, die BackendClient verwenden
Verwendungen von BackendClient in ch.nolix.system.application.basewebapplication
Unterklassen von BackendClient in ch.nolix.system.application.basewebapplicationModifizierer und TypKlasseBeschreibungclass
BaseWebClient<BBWC extends BaseWebClient<BBWC,
AC>, AC> -
Verwendungen von BackendClient in ch.nolix.system.application.main
Klassen in ch.nolix.system.application.main mit Typparametern vom Typ BackendClientModifizierer und TypKlasseBeschreibungclass
Application<BC extends BackendClient<BC,
AC>, AC> class
BackendClient<BC extends BackendClient<BC,
AC>, AC> final class
BackendClientSessionManager<C extends BackendClient<C,
AC>, AC> final class
BasicApplication<BC extends BackendClient<BC,
AC>, AC> class
Session<BC extends BackendClient<BC,
AC>, AC> ASession
manages user run methods and user data methods.Methoden in ch.nolix.system.application.main mit Typparametern vom Typ BackendClientModifizierer und TypMethodeBeschreibungfinal <S extends Session<BC,
AC>, BC extends BackendClient<BC, AC>, AC>
(String applicationName, Class<S> initialSessionClass, AC applicationContext) Adds a newApplication
with the given instanceName, initialSessionClass and applicationContext to the currentBaseServer
.final <S extends Session<BC,
Object>, BC extends BackendClient<BC, Object>>
(String name, Class<S> initialSessionClass) Adds a newApplication
with the given name, initialSessionClass and a void context to the currentBaseServer
.final <BC extends BackendClient<BC,
AC>, AC>
(Application<BC, AC> defaultApplication) Adds the given defaultApplication to the currentBaseServer
.final <S extends Session<BC,
AC>, BC extends BackendClient<BC, AC>, AC>
(String applicationName, Class<S> initialSessionClass, AC applicationContext) Adds a new defaultApplication
with the given name, initialSessionClass and applicationContext to the currentBaseServer
.final <S extends Session<BC,
Object>, BC extends BackendClient<BC, Object>>
(String name, Class<S> initialSessionClass) Adds a newApplication
with the given name, initialSessionClass and a void context as defaultApplication
the currentBaseServer
.static <C2 extends BackendClient<C2,
AC2>, AC2>
BackendClientSessionManager<C2, AC2> BackendClientSessionManager.forClient
(C2 client) static <BC2 extends BackendClient<BC2,
AC2>, S extends Session<BC2, AC2>, AC2>
BasicApplication<BC2, AC2> BasicApplication.withNameAndInitialSessionClassAndContext
(String applicationName, Class<S> initialSessionClass, AC2 applicationContext) Methoden in ch.nolix.system.application.main mit Parametern vom Typ BackendClientModifizierer und TypMethodeBeschreibungfinal void
(BackendClient<?, ?> client) Lets the currentApplication
take the given void
(BackendClient<?, ?> client) Lets the currentBaseServer
take the given client. -
Verwendungen von BackendClient in ch.nolix.system.application.maintestutil
Klassen in ch.nolix.system.application.maintestutil mit Typparametern vom Typ BackendClientModifizierer und TypKlasseBeschreibungfinal class
TestSession<BC extends BackendClient<BC,
AC>, AC> Methoden in ch.nolix.system.application.maintestutil mit Typparametern vom Typ BackendClientModifizierer und TypMethodeBeschreibungstatic <BC2 extends BackendClient<BC2,
AC2>, AC2>
TestSession<BC2, AC2> TestSession.withClientClass
(Class<BC2> clientClass) -
Verwendungen von BackendClient in ch.nolix.system.application.webapplication
Unterklassen von BackendClient in ch.nolix.system.application.webapplication