Verwendungen von Schnittstelle

Packages, die INameHolder verwenden
The ch.nolix.core.document.xml package defines a XmlNode.
The ch.nolix.core.license package defines a programmatic license system.
The ch.nolix.core.nolixlicense package defines Licenses for the Nolix library.
The ch.nolix.core.web.css package defines the types that are declared in the {ch.nolix.coreapi.documentapi.cssapi} package.
The ch.nolix.core.web.html package defines the types that are declared in the {ch.nolix.coreapi.documentapi.htmlapi} package.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.attributeapi.fluentmutablemandatoryattributeapi package declares fluent types with a certain mutable attribute.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.attributeapi.mandatoryattributeapi package declares types with a certain mandatory attribute.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.attributeapi.mutablemandatoryattributeapi package declares types with a certain mutable attribute.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.documentapi.xmlapi package declares a XML node.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.endpoint2api package declares an end point that can send requests.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.endpoint3api package declares an end point that can send commands and data requests.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.netapi.endpointapi package declares an end point that can send and receive String messages.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.webapi.cssapi package declares a CSS.
The ch.nolix.coreapi.webapi.htmlapi package declares a HTML element.
The ch.nolix.system.element.multistateconfiguration package defines a cascading formatable IMutableElement.
The package defines properties.
The packages implements the types that are declared in the ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.dataapi package.
The ch.nolix.system.objectschema.schema package defines the types that are declared in the {ch.nolix.techapi.databaseschemaapi.schemaapi} package.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.columntable package defines types for the column system table.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.entityheadtable package defines types for the entity head table.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.multibackreferenceentrytable package defines types for multi-back-reference entry tables.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.multireferenceentrytable package defines types for the multi reference entry table.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.multivalueentrytable package defines types for the multi value entry table.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.structure package defines types for the structure.
The ch.nolix.system.sqlrawschema.tabletable package defines types for the table system table.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectdataapi.dataapi package declares types for the data of databases.
The ch.nolix.systemapi.objectschemaapi.schemaapi package declares schema types for databases.
The package provides an implementation of the ch.nolix.techapi.relationaldocapi.datamodelapi package.
The ch.nolix.techapi.relationaldocapi.datamodelapi package declares the main types of a relational document model.