Klasse Test

Bekannte direkte Unterklassen:
AbsoluteOrRelativeIntTest, AbstractableObjectOnDatabaseTest, ApplicationInstanceTargetTest, ARModelTest, BackendClientSessionManagerTest, BackgroundTest, BackReferenceOnDatabaseTest, BaseNodeTest, BasicApplicationOnServerTest, BasicApplicationTest, CachingContainerTest, CascadingPropertyInMultiStateConfigurationTest, ChainedNodeCreationTest, ChainedNodeTest, ChangeRequestableTest, ClosedIntervalTest, ColorTest, ComplexNumberTest, ComplexSequenceDefinedBy1PredecessorTest, ComplexSequenceDefinedBy2PredecessorTest, ConnectionTypeTest, ContainerMediatorTest, ContainerTest, ControlCssBuilderTest, ControlHtmlBuilderTest, ControlTest, CssPropertyTest, CssRuleTest, DatabaseInitializerSqlStatementCreatorTest, DataTypeTest, DeepSelectingStyleTest, EntityOnDatabaseTest, EntityQueryCreatorTest, EntityStatementCreatorTest, EntityTest, ExtendedStringMediatorTest, FileExtensionCatalogueTest, ForCountMediatorTest, FractalBuilderTest, FractalToolTest, FunctionCatalogueTest, GlobalCalculatorTest, GlobalCharacterToolTest, GlobalFunctionToolTest, GlobalIterableToolTest, GlobalLicenseManagerTest, GlobalPropertyBinderTest, GlobalSequenceCreatorTest, GlobalSequencerTest, GlobalStringToolTest, GlobalValidatorTest, HtmlElementStringRepresentatorTest, HtmlElementTest, ImageGeneratorTest, InvalidArgumentExceptionTest, LayerStackTest, LayerTest, LocalEndPointTest, LocalServerTest, LongMediatorTest, LowerCaseVariableCatalogueTest, MatrixTest, MultiReferenceOnDatabaseTest, MultiReferenceQueryCreatorTest, MultiReferenceWithBackReferencesTest, MultiReferenceWithOptionalBackReferencesTest, MultiStateConfigurationWithNonCascadingPropertyTest, MultiValueOnDatabaseTest, MultiValueQueryCreatorTest, MutableImageTest, MutableXmlNodeTest, NameHolderTest, NetEndPointTest, NetEndPointTest, NodeDataAdapterTest, NodeSchemaAdapterTest, OptionalBackReferenceOnDatabaseTest, OptionalReferenceOnDatabaseTest, OptionalValueOnDatabaseTest, OptionalValueTest, PascalCaseVariableCatalogueTest, PluralLowerCaseVariableCatalogueTest, PluralPascalCaseVariableCatalogueTest, PolynomTest, ReferenceOnDatabaseTest, SchemaStatementCreatorTest, SelectingStyleTest, ServerTest, ServerTest, ShowValueDialogBuilderTest, SocketEndPointTest, StringCatalogueTest, StringMediatorTest, StyleCatalogueTest, StyleTest, TableOnDatabaseTest, TableTest, TextureCatalogueTest, TimeTest, TitleHolderTest, TypeMediatorTest, UnsignedByteTest, UpdateCommandCreatorTest, ValueOnDatabaseTest, ValueTest, ValueTest, VectorTest, WaitDialogBuilderTest, WebApplicationExtractorTest, WebGuiTest, WebSocketFramePayloadLengthTest, WebSocketFrameTest, WebSocketHandShakeRequestTest, WebSocketHandShakeResponseTest, XmlAttributeTest, YesNoDialogBuilderTest

public abstract class Test extends BaseTest
A test is a test that provides the fluent pattern for writing expectations.
Silvan Wyss
  • Konstruktordetails

    • Test

      public Test()
  • Methodendetails

    • expect

      protected final void expect(boolean value)
      Generates an error if the given value is false.
      value -
    • expect

      protected final void expect(boolean value, boolean... values)
      Generates an error for all of the given values that are false.
      value -
      values -
    • expect

      protected final ByteMediator expect(byte value)
      value -
      Gibt zurück:
      a new ByteMediator for the given value.
    • expect

      protected final DoubleMediator expect(double value)
      value -
      Gibt zurück:
      a new double mediator that belongs to this test and is for the given value.
    • expect

      protected final DoubleMediator expect(Double value)
      value -
      Gibt zurück:
      a new double mediator that belongs to this test and is for the given value.
    • expect

      protected final LongMediator expect(int value)
      value -
      Gibt zurück:
      a new long mediator that belongs to this test and is for the given value.
    • expect

      protected final LongMediator expect(Integer value)
      value -
      Gibt zurück:
      a new long mediator that belongs to this test and is for the given value.
    • expect

      protected final <E> ContainerMediator<E> expect(Iterable<E> container)
      E - is the type of the elements of the given container.
      container -
      Gibt zurück:
      a new container mediator that belongs to this test and is for the given container.
    • expect

      protected final LongMediator expect(long value)
      value -
      Gibt zurück:
      a new long mediator that belongs to this test and is for the given value.
    • expect

      protected final LongMediator expect(Long value)
      value -
      Gibt zurück:
      a new long mediator that belongs to this test and is for the given value.
    • expect

      protected final <V> ArgumentMediator<V> expect(V value)
      V - is the type of the given value.
      value -
      Gibt zurück:
      a new object mediator that belongs to this test and has the given value.
    • expect

      protected final StringMediator expect(String value)
      value -
      Gibt zurück:
      a new string mediator that belongs to this nolix test and has the given value.
    • expectNot

      protected final void expectNot(boolean value)
      Generates an error if the given value is true.
      value -
    • expectNot

      protected final void expectNot(boolean value, boolean... values)
      Generates an error for all of the given values that are true.
      value -
      values -
    • expectRunning

      protected final ClosureMediator expectRunning(Runnable closure)
      closure -
      Gibt zurück:
      a new closure mediator that belongs to this test and is for the given closure.
    • expectTheDoubles

      protected final MultiDoubleMediator expectTheDoubles(double... values)
      values -
      Gibt zurück:
      a new multi double mediator that belongs to this test and is for the given values.
    • expectTheDoubles

      protected final MultiDoubleMediator expectTheDoubles(Iterable<Double> values)
      values -
      Gibt zurück:
      a new multi double mediator that belongs to this test and is for the given values.
    • expectTheInts

      protected final MultiLongMediator expectTheInts(int value, int... values)
      value -
      values -
      Gibt zurück:
      a new multi long mediator that belongs to this test and is for the given values.
    • expectTheLongs

      protected final MultiLongMediator expectTheLongs(Iterable<Long> values)
      values -
      Gibt zurück:
      a new long container mediator that belongs to this test and has the given values.
    • expectTheLongs

      protected final MultiLongMediator expectTheLongs(long value, long... values)
      value -
      values -
      Gibt zurück:
      a new long container mediator that belongs to this test and has the given values.